In order for us to verify your income, calculate your return accurately, and also to be sure of no mismatches with the information that HMRC hold for you, it is important for us to have accurate income totals for you. We will need the following items of information from you, which you can file online in the Employment area of our website.
If you're a PAYE worker or work under an umbrella company as an employee, you'll receive a P60 each year. Similarly, if you've left a PAYE role to work for yourself under CIS, you can use the P45 you received when leaving your role as an employee to prove your gross pay, tax deductions, tax code and employer PAYE Reference Number.
If you're a PAYE employee, this is likely to be the best way of proving your income and the tax that you've paid, as it will include your gross pay, tax deductions, tax code, and employer PAYE Reference Number.
We understand that sometimes it may be difficult to get these records. If you are missing anything, there are three options available to you:
If you have neither of the above, and no way of getting hold of them, we can attempt to use bank statements as your proof of income as a last ditch attempt to recover some of your information.
This will involve a lot of time and effort, and will likely an additional surcharge as a result. We suggest your review your bank statements first, contact the people who have paid you, and ask them to supply you the above documents. This will help you to avoid any additional charges.
Learn more about why you shouldn't use bank statements.