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We still do not have your Gov. login account details, we use an Accountants gateway!

SEISS – the Government grant to self-employed individuals whose businesses have been adversely affected by the coronavirus.

The Government’s Self-Employment Income Support Scheme will be extended and will pay out a second & final grant.

Applications for the second SEISS Grant are due to open on August the 17th.

You will have to confirm your business has been adversely affected on or after the 14th July 2020 on the application.

Here are useful examples of when you would be 'adversely affected'

This will be the final grant from the self-employment income support scheme. (SEISS)

You must make the claim yourself. Your tax agent or financial adviser must not claim on your behalf as this will trigger a fraud alert.

You can apply for the second grant in the same way you applied for the first.

Those eligible will be able to claim the final grant in August, which will be worth up to 70% of their average monthly net profits, though it’s capped at £6,570 overall.

Your net profit is your total income minus your total expenses, if you claimed a substantial tax rebate, you would have lower net profits, than someone on a similar income who received less of a tax rebate.

The final Grant will be paid out in one single instalment.

You can use our "First payment" calculator to estimate your second grant based on the amount of your first grant.

You can use our Annual net profits calculator to estimate both grants based on your net profits.


First payment

Your predicted second payment: £0

Annual net profit

Your predicted first payment: £0
Your predicted second payment: £0

The eligibility criteria are the same for both grants, you don't need to have claimed the first grant to receive the second grant.

Here's what you need to know about the second and final grant.

If you're eligible for the scheme, you can apply here on the 17th of August.

Full information on eligibility criteria for the scheme can be found in this guide Coronavirus Self-Employed & Small Limited Company Help, but in brief:

We still do not have your Gov. login account details, we use an Accountants gateway!

Useful links and sources

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