Our fee for a standard one-year self-assessment is £250; we do not charge VAT.
We do not take a payment upfront; we do not take a percentage of your rebate; we only get paid when you get paid.
For our fee we offer a complete “once and done” package that covers everything you need throughout the year, we don't charge for additional sections.
We guarantee your rebate against HMRC investigation, and it's a proper guarantee.
We pay the highest referral bonuses in the industry of £100 per new customer.
We can gather any information your missing
We can contact your contractors/employers on your behalf to resolve any issues.
We are available pretty much 24/7 if you want to contact us at 9 pm or over the weekend, that's fine.
We can pay your rebates faster than HMRC
We are flexible and can help you in whichever way your most comfortable, online, on paper, over the phone, face to face, whatever suits you.
We keep you updated every step of the way.
We provide you with your online account which can be accessed through our app, for which regular users receive discounts.
We review all information you submit to us.
We send you a copy of your accounts before submission to approve.
We don't charge for tenants references or mortgage applications.
Our fee is a tax deductible expense.
On average our customer's final fee for a year after discounts for using our app and by referring one new customer to us through the year is £125. NJB Taxback Rebate Guarantee.
The price your paying for a service should give you some idea of the service you can expect, to receive and whether that service provider is operating legitimately, in our experience these are industry averages and the service you can expect to go with it.