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If you know the amount you owe, enter it below so that we can show the correct information in the instructions below

To make an online payment to HMRC Self-Assessment:

  1. Log on to your online banking
  2. Create a payment to a company: HMRC Self-Assessment Cumbernauld
  3. Include your reference which is your UTR number followed by K, for example 1234567890K

The payment screen should look similar to this:

Payable amount:
£1234.00 (this is an example -- use the amount you owe)
Account name:
HMRC Cumbernauld
Sort code:
Account number:
1234567890K (this is an example -- use your UTR followed by K)

You do not need to log on to an HMRC portal to pay HMRC.

Alternatively, you may wish to negotiate a Time to Pay agreement with HMRC that may allow you to spread the payments over a longer term. You can either do this online or by contacting the dedicated coronavirus helpline on 0800 024 1222 once your return has been submitted.

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