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Total expenses
If you prefer you can list all your expenses as a total sum.

Motor expenses & travel
Fuel, tax, insurance, repairs, servicing, parking, hire charges, AA/RAC membership

Hotel, B&Bs, meals on overnight trips

Public liability


Protective clothing
Boots, gloves, goggles, etc.

Laundry & cleaning

Postage & stationery

Phone mobile internet fax, running costs, office software, small office equipment, printer, etc.

Use of home as office

Minor tools
Small tools under £1000 each.

Legal and other professional fees
Surveyors, Architects, Solicitor

Accountancy fees

Cost of goods
Cost of raw materials used, cost of goods bought for resale.

Advertising costs

Interest on bank and other loans

Rent and other property costs
This does not include your private residence

Insurance policy
Cost of any business specific insurance policy

Wages, salaries and other staff costs
Salaries wages bonuses for staff, agency fees subcontract labour costs, etc.

Construction industry payments to subcontractors
Construction industry subcontractor payments, (before tax taken off)

Bank and credit card charges
Bank, overdraft and credit card charges, hire purchase interest and leasing payments, Alternative Finance payments.

Other business expenses
Other sundry expenses not included elsewhere

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